Our Staff

Empowering Minds, Inspiring Futures: Our Dedicated Staff, Your Child's Guiding Stars.

Meet our staff members:

Alianys (Aly) Wong

Toddler Guide

Althea Veron Webster

Teacher’s Assistant

Amir Mohamed

Upper Elementary Guide

Ana Torres

Casa Guide

Chineah Daigle

Toddler Guide

Diana Van Ryswyk

Lower Elementary Guide

Grace Obi

Casa Guide

Ifeoma Orji

Lower Elementary Guide

James Cornelius

Lower Elementary Guide

Kamille Griffith

Casa Guide

Laura Wilson

Toddler Guide

Liset Suarez Wong

Casa Guide

Melanie Coffey

Inclusion Specialist

Mirian Del Rio Ebanks

Upper Elementary Guide

Silbia Arza

Casa Guide

Tamara Boyd Wallace

Toddler Guide

Alianys (Aly) Wong

Alianys (Aly) Wong

Job Role: Toddler Guide

Originally from Cuba. Ms Aly has lived in the Cayman Islands for eight months.

She is a new addition to our toddler team bringing her eleven years working with children as a Spanish Teacher. As a mother of two daughters, aged 10 and 15, Ms Aly is passionate about working with children. In her spare time she enjoys being surrounded by little children, helping them to develop independence, and nurturing their health and well-being.

Ms Aly is also fascinated about her native language and is excited to share her knowledge with the children.

Althea Veron Webster

Althea Veron Webster

Job Role: Teacher’s Assistant

I am from Jamaica, and I have over 9 years of teaching experience.

I have been working in Montessori over the years and I’ve loved every moment of it. It has helped me to have a stronger understanding of kids and their needs. Montessori has made me realize that even though I am a teacher, I love being able to gain knowledge through the children I teach from ethnic groups from all over the world.

I enjoy reading, walking, cooking, baking, Ludo board games, gardening, Earth, walking, going to the beach, movies, organizing, donating, and generally keeping busy.

Amir Mohamed

Amir Mohamed

Job Role: Upper Elementary Guide

I have been engaged in the educational sector for three years, primarily focusing on teaching in a classroom setting. In addition to my role as a teacher, I have dedicated myself to working closely with students with special needs, thereby enriching my professional experience. Furthermore, I have served as a school counselor, a position that has allowed me to support the holistic development of my students. This multifaceted experience has afforded me the opportunity to contribute positively to the educational journey of my students.

The Montessori method is highly esteemed for its holistic approach to education. I particularly value its focus on fostering independence, curiosity, and a love for learning within a structured environment. This educational model advocates for allowing children to learn at their own pace, thereby facilitating a deeply personal and engaging learning experience. It is this aspect that significantly enriches the educational journey for both the students and the educator.

I enjoy walking, especially around nature, as I find it comforting and soothing. Hiking through the mountains represents a simple yet profound pleasure for me. Additionally, I appreciate going to the gym and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have a profound love for reading. Delving into books allows me to explore vast worlds, encounter new ideas, and engage with diverse perspectives, further fuelling my imagination and knowledge.

Ana Tores

Ana Torres

Job Role: Casa Guide

Hola! My name is Ana, I’m from Cuba and have been living in the Cayman Islands for the last 17 years of my life. I have a 25 years old daughter named Lilav.

I am absolutely delighted to be your child’s guide on this exciting journey of discovery at Village Montessori. As a devoted Montessori Toddler Teacher, my mission is to create a nurturing environment where your little ones can flourish, learn, and develop the foundational skills that will set the stage for a lifetime of curiosity and joy in learning.

With a heart full of love for early childhood education, I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Music from The National Schools of Arts, in Havana, Cuba, and a Montessori Toddler Diploma from North American Montessori Center. I have dedicated 12 years to understanding the unique needs and wonders of toddlers. The magic of these formative years never ceases to amaze me, and I feel privileged to witness the growth and development of each child in my care.

In our toddler classroom, we embrace the essence of the Montessori philosophy tailored to the specific needs of our youngest learners. The focus is on fostering independence, building social skills, and providing a safe and stimulating environment for exploration. Our days are filled with hands-on activities, music, movement, some Spanish and lots of laughter!

I am honored to be a part of this beautiful phase in your child’s life. Together, let’s nurture a love for learning, celebrate the uniqueness of each toddler, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.


Chineah Daigle

Job Role: Toddler Guide

I was born and raised in the beautiful Cayman Islands, where I’ve dedicated the last 2.5 years to teaching.

I love Montessori education because it allows me to witness the unique journey of each child in an environment tailored to their individual needs. Through immersive hands-on activities, exploration, and natural discovery, every child acquires essential skills that not only foster independence and confidence, but also ignite a lifelong love for learning.

When i’m not in the classroom, I love going for walks on the beach, going to the cinema, refining my sewing skills, and spending quality time with my family.

Derrick Pascal

Derrick Pascal

Job Role: Physical Education

My name is Coach Derrick, I am from the beautiful Cayman Islands. I’ve been teaching PE for over a year now.

I love the hands-on learning and child center approach. Most importantly I love the strong sense of community. It’s great to see everyone looking out for one another.

I love to be active, running, free diving, and martial arts. I love to travel and explore new places, and I love to spend quality time with my family and friends.

Diana Van Ryswyk

Diana Van Ryswyk

Job Role: Lower Elementary Guide

I moved to Cayman from Ontario, Canada in 2005 and have been teaching both Casa and Elementary children for 15 years.

Being a Montessori guide is extremely fulfilling. Montessori cultivates a love for learning and focuses on developing the whole child socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. It’s beautiful to see children taking charge of their own learning and becoming accountable for their own knowledge. I love how they learn through self-discovery and how to become independent and respectful human beings.

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, traveling, reading, music and playing guitar.

Grace Obi

Grace Obi

Job Role: Casa Guide

Hello everyone, this is Grace Obi, married with three now grown-up children. I am looking forward to meeting you all and becoming part of this amazing family. I have arrived here from the UK where my home is though I have been traveling and working in various countries. I hope to discover the magic of the Cayman Islands.

I am AMI Montessori trained as a guide in the 3 to 6 environment and have been working with this age group for the past 5 years. Prior to this I worked in the traditional school system in the UK, in the foundation stage for about 11 years. Being in the Montessori system is a dream come true for me. It has taken me to Morocco, Zanzibar, Mauritius and here I am now in the Cayman Islands.

I am a fun loving, cheerful personality. I love excursions, hiking and wildlife. I enjoy the challenge of being in a new environment, meeting new people and learning new things. I love being with and working with children. I feel young at heart so your children become my little friends. We travel together, guiding each other through the various paths of learning, taking charge where we need to and supporting when needed. I believe education is fun and an exciting discovery for everyone and we are never too old to feel the excitement. This is the beginning of a new path and I hope to travel with you all, enjoying every step that we take together.

Ify Orji

Ifeoma Orji

Job Role: Lower Elementary Guide

My name is Ifeoma Orji (Ephy for Short), I am from Nigeria. This is currently my 16 years of classroom teaching experience.

Having experienced Montessori firsthand with no prior experience or knowledge of it, I came to understand the science behind child development and learning. And since the child absorbs from the environment from birth, then having an environment tailored to the needs of the child at each milestone makes development easier and achievable with ease. I love Montessori because it is an education meant for the total development of any child using appropriate explorative materials.

I love traveling, reading, meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds, and love spending time with my family.


James Cornelius

Job Role: Lower Elementary Guide

I am from Canada and have been teaching for 5 years.

I love how Montessori allows the children to express and pursue their interests. It is important for children to be able to pursue the topics that motivate them to learn more. A student interested in science more than language or math is able to learn writing and math skills in a science lesson just as effectively as they could in a math lesson. Children and adults alike learn better when they are emotionally invested in a topic that they enjoy learning about and it is important to listen to them when they say what will help them.

I enjoy rock climbing and scuba diving.

Kamille Griffith

Kamille Griffith

Job Role: Casa Guide

My name is Kamille, hailing from the beautiful island of Jamaica. I switched careers in 2015, completing my AMI Montessori 2 1/2-6 years old teacher training in Toronto, Canada. I have been a Lead Directress for 7 years.

After moving to The Cayman Islands and having my beautiful boys, I fell in love with the Montessori method. It’s not only about teaching a child how to read and write but preparing that child for life. Montessori facilitates a natural love for learning and builds on the child’s self confidence and compassion with all living things.

My hobbies are arts & crafts, traveling, going to the beach and most importantly having lots of fun with my family.

Laura Wilson

Laura Wilson

Job Role: Toddler Guide

I am from England and have lived in Cayman for 9 years. I have one year of teaching experience with Village Montessori.

I love that Montessori education follows the child, their learning is driven by their own interests, developmental stage and abilities. By providing an environment in which the child has the freedom to choose materials designed to develop different skills, which appeal to the children’s natural curiosity, the child is learning because they want to learn.

I enjoy going to the beach with my family, traveling to new countries, diving and reading.

Liset Suarez Wong

Liset Suarez Wong

Job Role: Casa Guide

I am originally from Cuba and have been living in the Cayman Islands since 2012. I have 15 + years experience.

I love Montessori because it is a holistic approach with the child actively absorbing knowledge through hands-on concrete materials and repetition. The environment is tailored to the children’s needs and allows for the children to develop independence and responsibility. The adult in the classroom is a facilitator and guides the child with great respect. I love that In Montessori, children are encouraged to help one another and to resolve conflicts in age-appropriate ways by instilling peaceful practices from an early age.

I love spending time with my family and friends, listening to music, dancing, doing yoga, traveling, journaling and reading. I love taking walks on the beach.


Melanie Coffey

Job Role: Inclusion Specialist

Originally from Canada, Melanie has worked with a diverse range of children and families for 25 years.

The Montessori pedagogy allows us to follow the lead of each child and support their learning with their individual strengths in mind. The multi-grade classrooms allow our students to both learn from older peers and be a leader to others, in a holistic manner. In a Montessori environment every child is valued for who they are.

Outside of school, Melanie enjoys spending time with her family on the beach, in the sea, and on a paddleboard or surrounded by music and the arts.

Mirian Ebanks

Mirian Del Rio Ebanks

Job Role: Upper Elementary Guide

I am from Cuba. This is currently my 21st year of classroom teaching experience. I have experience in traditional school teaching and I am trained as a Montessori teacher as well.

I come from a traditional method where children learn from what the teacher is able to teach them, but when I learned about the Montessori method I was completely surprised and passionate about it. When I started working at Village Montessori, the performance of the children and the independence with which they worked left me amazed. In my training I was able to understand the effectiveness that this Montessori method has. Indicating that children who learn in Montessori classrooms demonstrate stronger social-emotional skills in many areas, than children in more traditional environments. I was able to verify its effectiveness in practice during these 3 years at Village Montessori school.

I love spending time with my family and especially watching movies with my son. I also like to cook, tend to my plants and finish projects that I always have in mind whether at home or at school.

Silbia Arza

Silbia Arza

Job Role: Casa Guide

I am from a small village in the North of Spain, and this is my 3rd year teaching in Montessori.

I love Montessori because it prioritizes the needs and interests of the child, allowing them to learn at their own pace. This approach also encourages independence and autonomy, which are crucial skills for their future success. Additionally, Montessori education fosters a sense of community, where children learn to collaborate and support each other in their learning journey.

I love diving, traveling, listening to music, and spending time with family and friends.

Tamara Boyd-Wallance

Tamara Boyd Wallace

Job Role: Toddler Teacher

I am from Jamaica, and I have over 10 years of teaching experience.

I love Montessori because instead of teachers giving instructions to the children, we learn from them. It’s a way of freedom for the students to express themselves. It’s a way of being compassionate to all no matter who they are.

I enjoy being with the kiddos and assisting them, watching TV, and spending time with family.

The greatest sign of success for a teacher… is to be able to say, 'The children are now working as if I did not exist.

~ Dr. Maria Montessori


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This is an opportunity to witness firsthand the nurturing and child-centered approach to education that sets Montessori apart. It’s a chance to see how the Montessori approach encourages children to become independent, confident learners who love to explore and discover.

Our Location​

Village Montessori

94 Solaris Avenue, Camana Bay, Grand Cayman

Cayman Islands

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